Joseph Bodnar


Joseph J. Bodnar, is a Delaware attorney who has practiced law for over 30 years, primarily in bankruptcy, creditors’ rights, and Delaware corporate law, with a focus on distressed assets and bankruptcy claim resolution.

His clients have included local Delaware businesses, and regional and national companies involved in chapter 11 and 7 bankruptcy matters, as creditors, debtors, trustees and committees.

Mr. Bodnar has been involved in resolving claims in high profile bankruptcy cases across the country, such as American Home Mortgage, New Century Mortgage and Kainos Partners in Delaware, LA Weight Loss in Philadelphia and Pilgrim’s Pride in Texas.

Mr. Bodnar received his J.D., cum laude, from New York Law School, New York, New York, and his undergraduate degree in economics from Rutgers College.
Immediately after law school, Mr. Bodnar clerked for the Honorable N. Richard Powers in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware.
Mr. Bodnar has also served for many years on the Governor’s Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities (Delaware).
While associated with one of Delaware oldest and largest firms, Richards, Layton and Finger, Mr. Bodnar drafted an annual update for Delaware’s former Chief Justice E. Norman Veasey’s chapter on Directors and Officers to the R. Franklin Balotti & Jesse A. Finkelstein corporate treatise, The Delaware Law of Corporations and Business Organizations.

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