Why Use Us

Complete Solution

We take care of everything. We analyze, prepare and file your claim as your agent.  You always own your claim, and any payments go to you.  All court correspondence and notices come to us.

Maximize and Expedite your Claim Recovery

Our team of professionals reviews and analyzes your bankruptcy claim documents (invoices, POD’s etc.) to position and file your claim for maximum recovery.  Here is an example of several different strategies we will consider:

  • Critical Vendor Claims – we will engage with the Debtor and Debtor’s counsel to determine if you qualify as a critical vendor.  Should you be classified as such, your claims will typically be paid in full in the early stages of the case in exchange for some type of value; typically, your continued credit support of the Debtor.
  • Reclamation / 503(b)(9) Claims – if you supplied goods (services do not qualify) to the Debtor within 20 days prior to the bankruptcy filing, all or a portion of your claim may qualify as a 503(b)(9) claim which grants administrative status and a much higher likelihood of receiving full payment for your claim. 
  • Mechanic’s Lien Claims – if you improved the real property of the Debtor, we can assist in filing and perfecting a Mechanic’s Lien which can elevate your unsecured claim to a secured claim which typically receive much greater recoveries.  Additional fees may apply here.
  • PACA / PASA Claims – if your claim is derived from the sale of perishable agricultural commodities or products, your claim may receive PACA / PASA status which may grant you a share of a special trust established by the Debtor often leading to an improved recovery over general unsecured claims.

We Mitigate the Debtor’s Advantage 

The Debtor will hire lawyers and claims management professionals to protect the interests of the estate.  We have seen many instances where debtors employ complex strategies that force creditors to take defensive actions to avoid the automatic elimination of their claims.   Many creditors do nothing, and their claims are eliminated.

Our goal is to work proactively with the Debtor to ensure your claim is reconciled prior to any objection.  Once the claim is objected to, you will often need to hire a lawyer to respond in the respective bankruptcy court.  Clearly this can be very time consuming and costly.  As a result, many creditors choose not to respond to objections and their claim is reduced or eliminated.   

You Don’t Staff Bankruptcy Professionals

The typical credit department is not staffed or equipped to monitor and protect your claim in an often complex and lengthy bankruptcy process.  

As a creditor you will often receive numerous notices from the court – while many are innocuous, some are not.  Failure to respond promptly may materially reduce or even completely eliminate your recovery.    

CAS has staffing and systems in place to be certain that critical pleadings are properly acted upon and your claim and recovery are protected. 

Decades of Bankruptcy Experience

Managers at CAS, each have over 30 years of experience in bankruptcy law, accounting, and claims administration.  Having experience on creditors committees and workout groups, we have deep experience here.


Our flat fees are often far less than hourly billing from an attorney.

Sell Your Claim

We have extensive experience with that process and can provide valuable insight.


We have frequent communication with other vendors and professionals associated with your case.  We have our ears to the ground.  

Services We Provide

The services and benefits we will provide include the following:

Full Analysis/Claims Filing
We take care of everything. We analyze, prepare, and file your claim as your agent. You always own your claim, and any payments go to you. The mailers and notices come to us.

How many times have we been asked to try and remedy a situation after an error has been made, putting their claim in peril?  Countless.  We track your case and are up to date on any action by the Debtor that may affect it.

We will vote on any plan of reorganization as per your instructions if needed. We will also
analyze, any ballot received that may give you recovery options.

Case Information
We have frequent communication with other vendors and professionals associated with your case. We
have our ears to the ground. Depending on the size of the case we may offer conference calls and chat
room opportunities for creditors.

Claims Sale Assistance
We have extensive experience with that process and can provide valuable insight.

Reconciliation with the Debtor
If your claim is not reconciled with the Debtor at the time of distributions, you won’t be paid with others who are.
We proactively work with the debtor to reconcile your claim prior to first distributions in the case.


To learn more about us, our capabilities, and our fee structure, we welcome you to navigate to information on our website or call us at 631.315.9090

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